Welcome to the blog for Colgate University's interdisciplinary course on food. This is the place to keep up with what students in the course are experiencing in their work at Common Thread Community Farm and through their everyday encounters with food.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

At home skin-care

For those of you who cook at home, I'm sure you are familiar with the phenomenon of buying lots of fresh produce and other food, and then failing to use it all before it goes bad. For those of you who are still on the meal plan, have you ever spent more than you would like to on skin-care products? To find the solution to both of these problems, look no further than your kitchen. There are millions of skin-care recipes consisting of ingredients that can be found in your refrigerator (or pantry). Although some recipes include ingredients that are expensive or hard to come by, others consist of one or two very common-place foods that you most likely currently have in your kitchen. Here are just a few foods that can be used for at home skin-care.

1) Tomatoes/ Tomato pulp

The acidity in tomatoes helps skin dry up acne. Not only this, but inside of the tomato are vitamins (A,C and K) and lycopene, which can be found in many acne healing medications. For a simple take on the tomato for clear skin, slice one open and simply place it on the problematic areas of your face. You can also grind or mash up the tomato into a pulp consistency and apply like a facial mask, repeating the process regularly and you'll see the difference. 

2) Honey and Cinnamon

 Honey is an unprocessed antibacterial agent that kills bacteria and eliminates acne. Cinnamon has beneficial properties from essential oils in cinnamon bark, allowing it to be an anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory agent to the skin. Combine the two and create a face mask to aide your skin in repairing damage.

3) Potatoes

One potato can provide 70% of vitamin C (which boosts collagen production in the body and helps prevent and heal damage from the sun, stress and environment) and vitamin B (for healthy DNA production and skin cell regeneration). Plus, potatoes contain niacin for skin-lightening due to hyper-pigmentation from acne or other skin conditions. Shredded, raw potato will not only act as an acne remedy, but help remove hyper-pigmentation, bright the skin and prevent wrinkles.

4) Lemon Juice

We all know that lemons are high in acidity. Not only does this allow pimples to dry out, but it also kills acne bacteria. Lemon is known to provide a calming effect to the skin and the vitamin C content maintains healthy and glowing skin. For direct application to the skin, take a cotton ball and squeeze fresh lemon juice on it and apply it to problem areas. 

5) Garlic

Allicin, sulphur, zinc and calcium properties are all found in garlic and act as antibiotic and antifungals, helping to clean the skin. To use garlic, crush cloves, mix with water and apply to the skin. 

6) Cucumber

Hydration! Cucumbers are 95% water, they remove dead skin cells and clean pores. They can be used as a face wash as they moisturize and remove extra oil. Grind cucumbers and mix with water for application to the face. 

7) Olive Oil

For scarring treatment, use olive oil. Although you may cringe at the thought of olive oil helping with any aspect of acne, when you have acne, it may cause the skin to lose its expansion properties. The oil helps rejuvenate your skin and bring it back from its damaged and dry texture that acne brought on. Apply a salt and olive oil mixture on the skin and rinse with warm water. 

disclaimer: All of these descriptions can be found on this website and are not my own work. I will not take credit for writing these descriptions, however I will take credit for passing along some helpful tips for affordable at home skin-care. Enjoy!

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