However, finals week is so unpleasant for me because my eating schedule gets messed up. The culprit is the all-nighter. Working on the second floor of case with less than 24 hours to finish all my papers is stressful beyond belief. I usually end up working every minute right up until the paper is due. As a result, I miss breakfast and sometimes even lunch. It feels awful. The body needs food.
Food serves a very important function during our semesters. It is our comfort food, as many people in the Case Cafe can attest. It is very important to have comfort food over the semsester. That is the very idea behind the care package. The care package is great because you feel the warmth and care of your family back home, and also, the food that comes with it is good for packing in your backpack and bringing to Case. I received my first Care Package ever over the weekend. I was about ten minutes into a nap when this slamming on the door woke me up. "Fire Department!" I hear the yelling but was not sure what was going on. "Fire Department!"Disoriented, I ran to the door pulled it open and was greeted by a bunch of the fire department staff. "Care Package, its for you from your parents." It was the best feeling in the world at that moment. So great. I brought it inside thinking, "Yes! Food. This is great, especially because I missed lunch writing that paper."
The care package gave me a second wind, and I was able to go to Case and finish my paper–not before putting half the contents of the care package into my backpack. The next day I found out the Care Package had been sent to my roommate from his parents. Didn't matter. Food is comfort food and helps you get through the semester regardless of who it belongs to.