This is a video about a commercial chicken farmer for purdue who allows cameras in on his operation. He is like a chicken farmer whistle blower of sorts. The video effectively illustrates what we have talked about in class. One, the trivialness of labels. The chickens in this video are labeled "cage free". Yet they live in their entire life without natural sunlight, and without access to fresh air. This video accompanies Galusky's "Chicken of Tomorrow"very well. It shows the physical effects of pumping our chickens full of growth hormones and antibiotics to make them grow bigger and faster. It is remarkable how many chicks die in the video, and how the chickens live, squatting in their own feces on the floor. After watching the video you certainly understand what Galusky meant when he said we shouldn't kill our animals twice. The fact that so few people have gained access to these types of operations in order to film and document it speaks to the industry's power. But farmers such as these, who let people pass, are cause for optimism like we discussed on the last day of class. It goes to show there are people inside the industry looking to make a change.
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