Welcome to the blog for Colgate University's interdisciplinary course on food. This is the place to keep up with what students in the course are experiencing in their work at Common Thread Community Farm and through their everyday encounters with food.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


(Don't worry, Professor Henke, you don't need to count this as a real post.) I just wanted to share with everybody that I have FOUND THE CULPRIT...yes, the Asher look-alike, haunting the halls of the Ho science center. This unintentional imposter is...drumroll...

This guy!!! Behzad Khajavi, Graduate Research Student; Research Affiliate from Physics/Astro (I always knew something fishy was up with that department). I will admit, this guy looks a lot more like Asher from the side as he walks by my 1:20 (I have it in one of the indoor window rooms and he walks by a lot). Just picture his profile, obscured by walking speed and the intellectual stimulation of a 300-level geography class. Also, I think I have only seen Asher while wearing a hat, which also obscures my mental image of his face. This guy would probably look more like Asher if he were picking vegetables (see below), or something, just saying. In short, they probably don't look a lot alike at all, but I feel a lot better having gotten to the bottom of this (even if it took my googling the names of like 3 departments worth of professors).

Also, found this gem on the website. They'll let anybody help out on the farm, these days!!!

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