Welcome to the blog for Colgate University's interdisciplinary course on food. This is the place to keep up with what students in the course are experiencing in their work at Common Thread Community Farm and through their everyday encounters with food.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ever since I was a child, I always heard that eating breakfast was important to start off your day. I personally found it difficult to eat so early in the morning but sometimes I would try eating a fruit or even some cereal. I was always told that eating breakfast was also a way to maintain healthy and for that reason I thought it would be interesting to look into this belief. I came across this article in the New York Times stating that skipping breakfast doesn't necessarily lead to weight gain.

A study was done in Vanderbilt University where it showed that skipping breakfast instead created weight loss instead of weight gain. This study lasted about 12 weeks and each participant had the same calorie intake for each day and the results showed that those who skipped breakfast actually lost 3 more pounds, on average, than those who ate breakfast everyday. Although from a sociological point of view there are many flaws that could change the results of this study but it is still very interesting how either way there was no weight gain from either of the groups.

In this same article, it is stated that researchers at Cornell University feel that in some cases but not all skipping breakfast allows for more calories to be taken in during lunch which in that case would lead to weight gain. At the same time, Cornell researchers believe, just like Vanderbilt University researchers, that skipping the breakfast meal will lead to weight loss.

In the end, whether you eat breakfast or not I don't think it will lead to the path of obesity. It all depends on the choices we make of what we will eat and how much but here are a few pictures of typical breakfast foods that my family and I eat at home.

Cereal w/milk

Typical Dominican breakfast: Mangu con salami y cebolla (Mashed plantains with fried salami and onions on top)

Another typical Dominican breakfast: Yuca con huevos y cebollas (boiled yucca with fried eggs and onions)





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