Welcome to the blog for Colgate University's interdisciplinary course on food. This is the place to keep up with what students in the course are experiencing in their work at Common Thread Community Farm and through their everyday encounters with food.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beef Revolution


Linked above is an article that flesh out the top ten reasons to eat grass fed beef.

After watching the film, King Corn, in class on Tuesday I was inspired to go back and research some of the nutritional differences between grass-fed and corn-fed beef that I had floating in the back of my head. I was astounded with what I found.

Eating grass-fed beef is better for:
You, the consumer.

  • Grass-fed beef contains fewer fats, saturated fats,  and antibiotics while having more good Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and conjugated linoleic acid which is associated with reduced rates of heart disease and cancer.
The animals.

  • Grass-fed cows are treated more humanely than their grain-fed concentrated animal feeding operation brethren are.
  • A cows stomach is naturally pH neutral which corn digestion disturbs. This pH imbalance seriously harms cows and can kill them.
The environment.
  • Perennial grass fields restore top soil, control erosion and flooding, require less fuel and act as a carbon sink.
The economy.
  • Grass-fed beef is not plagued by government subsidies that keep corn crops unsustainably high and corn and beef prices unsustainably low.
  • Per acre, grass can yield more finished cows than an acre of corn.
  • Buying grass-fed beef tends to be local, helping local markets and expensive which is actually good. This helps moderate one's consumption of beef and compensates farmers fairly so they do not have to follow the expand or fail model of their corn growing and corn feeding comrades.
I have not eaten beef in two years but this sounds almost too good to pass up!

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