My aunt always reminds me to save all my box tops for her because she saves them for my cousins school. I simply go along with her request but never really looked into the whole idea of saving your box tops. I knew that they benefitted someone in someway ever since I was in middle school but I didn't know how important these box tops really are. For that reason I decided to look up what these small pieces of cardboard really do to help our society.
Box tops can be found almost anywhere on most products in a supermarket. I usually find them on cereal boxes or pop tart boxes. Each box top counts for 10 cents and they add up quickly. These box tops are used to help schools raise money to buy supplies they can't afford. With the help of each parent from each student, schools like my cousins can raise more than enough money to supply children with the utensils they need. This includes simple school supplies like glue sticks, scissors, and even more important things like bicycle helmets. As you can see, there is no limit to what the school can buy with these box tops. Some even pay for their field trips with these box tops or even the remodeling of a playground.
After learning the real use of box tops, I think I may put more of an effort into really saving these for my aunt. They are a way of helping those schools that don't receive enough money to give their students the best of the best. Not everyone has the same opportunity to attend private schools where all the supplies are usually always available, so box tops are a way to make sure these not so privileged schools still get what they need educate the children of America.
Box tops information
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