Welcome to the blog for Colgate University's interdisciplinary course on food. This is the place to keep up with what students in the course are experiencing in their work at Common Thread Community Farm and through their everyday encounters with food.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fryeburg Fair

As I was reading the part of Farmer Boy about the county fair, I was remembering a lot about the fair in Maine that I used to go to every year. I'm not really sure when we started, but since I was a little kid, we went to the Fryeburg Fair for the weekend (though I haven't been since I became more of a big kid). They had vegetable contests, barns full of animals to see, petting zoos, competitions (sheepdog herding, horse racing, draft horse pulling, pig scrambles, etc.) I've always adored animals, so this was a pretty big deal in my young life. If you've never been to an agricultural fair, I recommend it. It's really fun to see all of this stuff up close and personal, especially today, when most of us are completely uninvolved with any sort of farm work. Here are some pictures of me living the dream throughout the years:

I never really understood why the sheep wore head to toe coats, but they're super sweet animals and adore attention.

Also you get to see baby cows! This one was born previously that day, I believe. (Here's to hoping we get to see some babies on our field trip next week!)

Okay so apparently I wore this outfit a lot that weekend. But yeah, at some point, I had a panic attack because I wanted a bunny so bad and my parents caved. He sat on my lap in the car the whole ride home. (Willie the bunny lived happily at my house for several years, until I became severely allergic all of a sudden, and now is like 10 years old and lives happily in a large indoor room with lots of other bunnies at my mom's dentist's house)

I basically pet everything I saw.

I remember getting in trouble at the petting zoo for "picking up the goats" when they kept jumping into my lap (I'm serious)

Wow just like the cows in Farmer Boy, am I right?

They sold lots of fun farm toys, and I tried many of them (stationarily)

Also, I guess I wore these teal pants a lot.

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