Welcome to the blog for Colgate University's interdisciplinary course on food. This is the place to keep up with what students in the course are experiencing in their work at Common Thread Community Farm and through their everyday encounters with food.

Friday, November 8, 2013

My go at being a vegetarian (at least for now)

So I decided that after doing some research, watching some documentaries and talking to people that already are vegetarians, to give vegetarianism a try. It has been a solid month now and I have not had meat yet, nor have I even wanted it (I was honestly expecting to cave). I'm really surprised by that fact considering that I used to eat meat at least once a day. But I have been eating enough protein I think, though I have found that it is a lot more difficult to do than I thought.

Though I honestly do enjoy basically all foods, there are a lot of foods that contain plant-protein that I do not normally eat on a daily basis (like peanut butter, beans etc.). So now I've had to become more creative in my choices and it's really the first time that I have really had to think about what I was eating, and make decisions to provide myself with enough nutrients. I think this will be an easier process when I have a steady income and can purchase foods to make proper meals because right now I am not eating with a lot of variation which can get tiring at times. It is just difficult because meals in the U.S. are usually centered around a meat, and so it can be hard to basically just eat "sides". But I will not give up yet, and will hopefully continue with this lifestyle!

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